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Originally strung in Dagbamete, Ghana, re-imagining these seeds has been a labour of love. Infused with an inspirational message and paired with the warmth of sandalwood, clay, and crystals, they're poised to shine just in time for Mother's Day!

Uplifted by Mother Nature's astounding beauty, are made from Atsikpeyra [ah-cheek-pay-YEAR-a] seeds.  

Strung in Ghana, designed and finished in Toronto.  

The versatile length of approximately 48 inches features a purposefully hidden silver clasp, allowing for doubling up the necklace's length. Wear it as a contemporary long necklace or wrap it two or three times around for a striking statement piece.

I am so excited about this collaboration being able to enable two hardworking girls.

Being a part of the solution to help change lives.

Wear this necklace proudly knowing you have done something to make someone else's life a little better. We all have the ability to pay it forward.

exclusive & one of a kind

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